
employee recognition

Good employees leave companies for a number of reasons including: management, stagnation, and lack of recognition. While it’s important to have great managers and a solid career path if you want your top employees to stay at your company, you can’t forget to recognize their achievements. Here are a few unique ways to reward them:


Ideas for Employee Recognition

Money is a great motivator for sales people but many other employees prefer something more lasting, and less taxable.

Local Currency

If your chamber or local business association offers local currency or gift certificates, it’s a fantastic way to reward your achievers. With local currency they can buy, attend, or use exactly what they need from one of the many participating businesses in town. From restaurants to spas, boutiques to dentists, your employees can find the ideal way to celebrate their achievements, and best of all, it won’t affect their tax bracket.

Handwritten Note from Executive Management

This note should be from the owner of the company or the highest exec and it should accompany something else like a plaque, gift card/local currency, bonus, or other gift of appreciation. This item is special because the employee knows his/her efforts are recognized by every level of the company, and that person took the time to write something specifically for them. Long after the award is spent, they will have this note of appreciation.

Public Recognition

Calling out desired behavior in front of colleagues does two things — it makes the employee feel good, and when their actions are lauded in a very specific way, it gives other employees something to strive for. If you choose to do this, make sure you don’t just thank your employee for a “great job.” Enumerate on why it was a great job. Tell the story. Explain to your employees why the team member is being lauded.

Finally, don’t assume that all employees enjoy the same kind of recognition. Some people shudder at public recognition, while others bask in the spotlight. When an employee starts with you, ask them three questions:

  • what motivates you
  • how do you prefer to be recognized for your achievements
  • what is the best professional recognition you’ve received?

File those answers and use them when the employee deserves recognition. It will be much more meaningful if you recognize them in a way that they appreciate.