With social distancing orders and business limitations, it’s essential to ensure your customers have what they need to make good purchasing decisions. Here are 5 types of content/resources you should make sure they have access to on your website:
The Sales Process
In some way you should map out how to make an educated purchasing decision about what you sell.
Solution: Tell them what they need to know to make a confident, educated decision. For instance, if you sell cars, you might create content (an article, video, infographic, webinar and/or podcast) about selecting the right car for your lifestyle. If you run a hair salon, you might create content around selecting the right hair color for your skin tone or how to get the perfect cut you want every time.
Some people might shy away from doing business with you because they’re uncomfortable with the process. They don’t want to be embarrassed. For instance, someone might want to take an exercise class from you but they may be worried that everyone in the class will be more advanced than them or younger.
Solution: Create content around how to get started and what to expect in the process is a good way to set their fears aside and help them buy from you.
Knowing When They Need You
People may also put off buying from you because they’re not sure they need it or can afford it, or your offering fits them.
Solution: Create content around topics like you know you need <insert services or products you sell> when ____ can be very helpful in guiding people toward the right time to contact you and ensuring that those who do are in the right position to buy from you and not just “kicking tires.”
Making Purchases Easier Through Local Currency
Sometimes people aren’t ready to buy or they want to give your products or services as a gift but aren’t sure how to go about doing that.
Solution: Becoming part of a local currency program within your town can help you bring gift cards to your customers without the administrative hassle or running the program yourself. The easier you make it to buy from you, the more customers you’ll have.
What Makes You Different and Who You’re Perfect For
Your business has an ideal type of person you work best with, one who really needs you and your products or service work really well for.
And don’t say everyone.
You are not perfect for everyone. Everyone doesn’t need you.
Solution: Be very clear who your ideal audience is and how you help them specifically. That way you can clearly illustrate what makes you different from your competition (in their eyes) and why you’re an excellent fit for what they need.
While some of these types of content should be part of your website copy, they should also be a separate piece reinforcing your website language. Never count on potential customers to find your content in one space or in one kind of format.
Make your solutions available in a variety of formats and in several places throughout your site (such as web copy and article, videos, etc.). That way they’ll be sure to see it and get the answers to their questions they need in order to buy from you.