
Start planning your holiday shop local campaign now

If you’re planning a shop local holiday extravaganza this November, you need to start planning it now. Assuming you’ve read yesterday’s summer edition of your shop local program to-do list, let’s move onto what will keep you busy this fall.

September: Produce Collateral

Create marketing collateral to tell your town of your holiday celebration and your shop local campaign. This also includes creating targeted Facebook ads and other social media shares you deem important. Create all of the graphics, print and web, at the same time so you have it when you need to send it and doing it all at once will save you time.

Meet with participating local businesses to record a participation video. You could do topics such as “What Makes the Holiday Time Special Here,” “Specials We’re Offering” or “Our Business Story.” People are enchanted by a good story. Showcase participants in a friendly way to increase sales.

October: Think Website

If you are the organizer of the Small Saturday Event in your town you want to make sure that there is plenty of information on your website. A banner or rotator on the homepage builds excitement. You can even create a countdown clock.

Start featuring participants on social media and on your website. Feature blog posts on gift ideas and remind people how well local gift certificates work for those holiday gifts like teachers, babysitters, coaches, etc.

November: Promote, Promote, Promote

Take every opportunity to remind everyone you run into about the shop local program. Add it to your email signatures, emails, social media profiles, and anywhere else that draws a crowd.

Time goes fast. It’s never too early to begin promoting and readying for the holiday sales season. After all, you can only count on today, tomorrow it could snow.

Conpoto helps cities and towns of all sizes make their shop local efforts more appealing to larger audiences. Contact us today for more information.


Image via Pixabay