
Give Your Audience What They Want

The trend in marketing towards personalization and giving your audience what they want, transcends just content. It needs to permeate your interactions with them. If you don’t take their preferences into account, there is always someone who will and when they do, it reflects poorly on your efforts no matter Read more…

Surprise Your Employees with Local Currency

We talk quite often about the benefits of making your employees feel important and integral to your business’ success. It’s impossible to provide good customer service on behalf of a business if you feel undervalued by that company. Uninspired employees cost organizations money, customers, and employee moral. Ensuring your team Read more…

3 Reasons People Don’t Shop Local

Polls indicate most people feel good about shopping local, yet there’s still a lot of big chain buying that goes on. Why is that? Knowing the reasons people shop at national stores can help you adjust your small business marketing accordingly. Here are the main reasons people shop the big stores Read more…

Are Your Employees Happy?

Last week we passed the most popular day out of the year to look for a new job. No, really. At least according to Monster. With the holidays and busy end of year, not to mention that most companies aren’t pushing hiring as a main objective at that time either, Read more…

Don’t Miss the Procrastinators

One of the benefits of our product is that it makes it easier for local organizations, like chambers, to provide gift cards for their members. Many smaller merchants simply don’t have the resources to run an e-commerce platform to sell gift certificates. Many chambers and local business associations also lack Read more…