
Do you have people on your list who are impossible to buy for? Of course you do. Whether they have everything or hate everything, we have a few ideas that are bound to make them smile.

Creative Gift Ideas for the “Impossible to Buy For” People on Your List

  • Local currency. Local currency or gift cards is a gift you might not have considered. These handy gift cards/currency can be used at a variety of merchants in your town. Check with your local chamber of commerce or merchant’s association to see if they have any. If your recipient doesn’t live in your town, try their local chamber. Because the certificates can be used at a variety of businesses, you don’t have to worry about getting a gift card to a place they don’t like.
  • An experience. Gifting an experience can be a lot of fun and you don’t have to worry about your recipient sticking it in their basement. To find a unique idea, go out to a site like Groupon and look at local experiences then contact the business and see if they offer gift cards. (Ax throwing, anyone?)
  • DIY DIY. Do you have a favorite hobby? Then give your recipient everything they need to start doing it too. Create a nice gift basket filled with supplies, how-to pictures, etc. If you don’t know the person well opt for a quick DIY craft or hobby, not one that requires years to master.
  • Journal and special pen. Even if your recipient doesn’t enjoy writing, a blank journal has a lot of uses and who can resist a beautiful pen? A smooth writing implement will spoil your recipient forever.
  • Local food. What scrumptious taste is your area known for? Put together a basket of local favorites. If you don’t think your recipient would enjoy the local favorites or if you think they may be missing their own favorites, consider a gift card from a company like GoldBelly that specializes in helping local businesses reach a larger audience. With GoldBelly you can get lobster rolls from Maine or cheesecake from New York and everything in between shipped directly to your recipient or you can purchase a gift card so they can select a favorite of their own.

Hopefully, this list will help you with your hard-to-please recipient. When in doubt, a small business can often help you find the perfect gift.

Happy holidays.

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