Community Currency gift certificates for Community Organizations
Community organizations play a vital role in nurturing and growing local economies, advocating for local business and fostering strong communities. As competing on a global scale becomes increasingly important, these organizations roles become even more critical.
With our community currency platform, helping local businesses compete against large, national brands gets easier. A community currency program allows organizations to offer one gift certificate that can be accepted by numerous different merchants within a community. Since only merchants that participate on the program can accept certificates, the funds stay within the local economy and in the hands of community members.

Each certificate is customized with your brand, instructions, and list of participating merchants. The certificate also contains up to 15 ad/sponsorship slots that you can sell to your merchants.
Your Brand, Your Certificate
Your Brand, Your Certificate
Each certificate is customized with your brand, instructions, and list of participating merchants. The certificate also contains up to 15 ad/sponsorship slots that you can sell to your merchants.
Recipients bring their certificates into a participating merchant, and use them when paying for goods or services. Then, merchants use our free smartphone app or merchant website to validate the certificate – faster than processing a credit card!
You have complete and real-time access to all data related to the program: who is buying, who is redeeming, which merchants are seeing the greatest value, and most of all – how much currency is still available in the community to spend.
Real Time Tracking
Real Time Tracking
You have complete and real-time access to all data related to the program: who is buying, who is redeeming, which merchants are seeing the greatest value, and most of all – how much currency is still available in the community to spend.
Our platform gives you:

Our turn-key technology fits seamlessly into day-to-day operations for both organizations and merchants. With both a web-based portal and mobile apps, your community gift certificate program practically runs itself.

Businesses want to support their communities by rewarding their employees with gifts from local retailers. Conpoto makes it easy for employers to gift local, and to gift choice, with a community currency platform.

Conpoto handles technology, not money—that stays in your bank account. Chambers of Commerce and other membership organizations can account for every penny in the process at all times, and certificates cannot be reused.

Who bought the gift certificate? When and where did they spend it? What’s the balance on it? You’ll have access to all this data, all the time.

Conpoto handles technology, not money—that stays in your bank account. Chambers of Commerce and other membership organizations can account for every penny in the process at all times, and certificates cannot be reused.

More Local Business
Who bought the gift certificate? When and where did they spend it? What’s the balance on it? You’ll have access to all this data, all the time.
Our platform gives you:
Our turn-key technology fits seamlessly into day-to-day operations for both organizations and merchants. With both a web-based portal and mobile apps, your community gift certificate program practically runs itself.
Businesses want to support their communities by rewarding their employees with gifts from local retailers. Conpoto makes it easy for employers to gift local, and to gift choice, with a community currency platform.
Conpoto handles technology, not money—that stays in your bank account. Chambers of Commerce and other membership organizations can account for every penny in the process at all times, and certificates cannot be reused.
Who bought the gift certificate? When and where did they spend it? What’s the balance on it? You’ll have access to all this data, all the time.
Conpoto handles technology, not money—that stays in your bank account. Chambers of Commerce and other membership organizations can account for every penny in the process at all times, and certificates cannot be reused.
More Local Business
Who bought the gift certificate? When and where did they spend it? What’s the balance on it? You’ll have access to all this data, all the time.
Interested in learning more?
We would love to chat more about our platform. Schedule a demo with us, view testimonials, see it in action, or watch our intro video.