
One of the hardest things for local and small businesses is marketing. It can be quite an undertaking to achieve recognition and top of mind.

But you can help.

15 Ways to Help Local Businesses This Holiday (and every day)

  1. Buy from them. Switch one item or service you buy on a regular basis from a big business to a local/small business.
  2. Tell others about your favorite businesses (word-of-mouth).
  3. Write reviews on your favorite businesses. Many people think about writing reviews for places like restaurants. But all businesses need them. Consider writing reviews every time you pay for an item or service or challenge yourself to write one review a week.
  4. Take pictures of their goods or services and tag them on social media. You could put your holiday wish list online directing people to buy those items at local stores.
  5. Post about the small business on social in an “unofficial” review but make it public so it can be shared.
  6. Share their posts in your own feed and on groups who may also be interested in the content.
  7. Write a blog post about them.
  8. Create a reel or TikTok while you’re shopping with them. Tag them when you post and use a hashtag associated with their business.
  9. Ask them to be part of a local currency program so they get even more marketing power.
  10. Take on a seasonal position with one of them. So many businesses are struggling with hiring. If you have some free time (and want some extra money for the holidays) consider working a few extra hours a week for one of them.
  11. Take one of their online or in-person classes or attend an event at their business.
  12. Sign-up for their newsletter or email list.
  13. Buy gift cards for later use.
  14. Shop early. A good November can pave the way for an amazing December for them.
  15. Commit (or challenge yourself) to doing one of these things each week.

There are many ways you can help give smaller businesses a great end of year and something to be thankful for. Many of these ideas don’t cost you anything but your time. Still, they can make a huge difference in the life of a struggling business owner.

Categories: Business