
2022 is finally here but it’s not starting out as the panacea we were all hoping for. COVID numbers are up in most areas but many vocal pro-business advocates are insistent to keep schools and businesses open this time. As much as COVID has been a challenge to health and wellness, it has been an industrious teacher for those of us in business and has brought about the following trends.

2022 Trends in Business

Small Business Rules

From the media to chambers of commerce to downtown associations, many people are broadcasting the importance of supporting local. That’s not likely to fade in 2022.

If you’re a local or small business, check with your chamber of commerce. They may offer local currency certificates that could bring you more business if you participate in their program. These simple gift cards add another level to your marketing and are a good reminder for people to shop local or shop small.

Personalized Attention Is the Norm

Many businesses are looking for ways to make a big impression on customers and stand out in the market. One thing COVID taught us was that relationships with your customers can keep you in business. One way to build those relationships is by knowing exactly what your customers want and ensuring you provide it. This means cultivating and individualized approach to service, attention, and research and development. Luckily, a lot of this can be done online as we saw during the pandemic.

Word of Mouth is Your Not-So-Secret Weapon

We’re all on social media and the internet a lot these days and we’re proudly sharing many of our favorites with our audience. If your business is not enabling this and making it easy for people to share, comment, and review you, you’re missing out.

But at the same time that word-of-mouth is growing in importance, many businesses are going about it incorrectly. The average shopper or client doesn’t want to see another survey. They’re being surveyed by everyone from their doctors to their credit card companies. It’s getting old. Instead, don’t ask them to answer your questions and rate your service. Give them reason to sing your praises on their own.

It’s easy to ignore trends expecting that they will fizzle out. But they can provide an easy way for fast growth. However, with these trends they’re likely to stay around because they’re focused on relationships and that will never go out of style.

Categories: Business