
Ways to celebrate farmer's market week

The first full week of August is National Farmer’s Market Week, according to the United States Department of Agriculture, so get out there and celebrate by going to your local market. If you do, you can:

Try a New Veggie in a New Way

One of the benefits to a farmer’s market is that you’re often buying from the grower himself. If you’re not sure about a fruit or vegetable, ask. Ask the best way to prepare it or ask how they like to eat it. Often you’ll discover a new recipe or best practice in food preparation.

Gain a Growing Tip

Since you’re often speaking with the grower at a local market, if you’ve had difficulty with your garden or you’re thinking about starting one and would like some advice, there’s nobody better or more willing to help. Ask the experts. Often online experts talk in generalities. These local farmers grow in the soil you do. They can tell you of climate challenges, pests, and soil needs.

Save Gas and the Environment

You’re local market may save you the mileage on your car and gas cost for the driving distance to a larger grocery. Even if that’s not the case, buying local and eating food that’s grown nearby, cuts down on transportation costs and their effects on the environment. Plus the money you save on gas means more fresh-grown produce.

Taste Before You Buy

Have you ever visited a large grocery store, purchased some produce only to be disappointed in its level of ripeness or taste? At a local market, many sellers will allow you to taste the product before you buy. That means no more mealy apples or fruit rotten on the inside, yet fine on the out.

What do you love best about your local market? Share it with us in the comments below: