
Ways to reach new customers

Repeat clients are a businesses dream because they require less marketing dollars. They are also more likely to write referrals and send you customers. Your business becomes their go-to place and with any luck, you become a buying habit for them.

But not all businesses are set up for repeat customers. Some businesses are a “one and done” operation. The customer will only need you once and since there are a limited amount of customers in your ideal demographic, this can become challenging.

You may, at some point, decide you need to expand into a new market or demographic. Here’s how you can go about doing that.


3 Easy Ways to Reach More Clients

The following are all easy ways in which to reach a new market or expand your customer base. But before launching any of these campaigns, take the time to do the research in your new demographic to ensure you know what they want and need from you. Solving their problems in a way that speaks to them is a solid way to appeal to them and land more sales.

Social Media Paid Advertisements

This is an ideal way to get in front of your new target audience because of the tools most social media platforms offer for narrowing down who sees your message. Be very deliberate in your choices and you’ll have a high conversion rate (assuming you’ve taken the time to personalize your message to the intended group).

Personalized Content

If you’re trying to reach a new demographic, talk to them. Create content pieces that address their needs and concerns. Hang out (on social media) where they do and share content that is of interest to them. Don’t cast a wide net. Be specific in your intentions and you’ll garner more interest.

Local Currency

If your chamber or business group offers local currency, consider becoming a part of the program. They’ll include you on their list of participating merchants and you will likely get your business in front of a new group of people. Plus, you may be eligible to be part of the chamber’s shop local campaign for additional marketing assistance.

If your business is stagnating, the solution isn’t about more marketing but about more targeted marketing. Consider ways to reach a new market or new clients by talking about their concerns and providing solutions. These vehicles will help you reach them once you have an appealing, personalized message.